Who gives away websites for free?
My name is Justin Elbel, and I am do this type of work for a living. I fix computers and phones, I build websites, I help people stay connected and get work done. You may have heard of my business; Punxsy Computer. If you have a tech problem, I can help.
But why free websites?
There are several reasons I am offering these free sites:
- I really enjoy building websites, it's my favorite part of my business.
- It helps build my portfolio, and give me experience, which leads to more paying jobs.
- It helps give back to the community, that's why I started with scout troops, because I was a scout and it made a huge impact on who I am today
- It doesn't cost a whole lot to do a simple site like this, on a shared domain, that's why all of these free sites have a punxsy.org address.
- I believe that technology should be able to benefit everyone, not just those who can afford an overpriced website from a million dollar company. That's why even my paid sites are cheaper than most.