Free websites for non-profits offers free websites for non-profit organizations in Punxsutawney PA.

Every organization deserves to have a presence on the web to help get your group organized and connect with the community.

That's why is here to offer free websites for nonprofits such as churches, youth groups, scout troops and similar organizations in the Punxsutawney area.

I know it sounds too good to be true, but there's no catch, just a free, simple website so your group can stay connected in our modern world.

If your organization needs something more advanced than the free sites, our paid options are still very reasonably priced, and come with many more features.

If you need a webpage for your business, you'll have to look into our paid options.  These free sites cost us money to maintain and we can't afford to give them away to everyone, so we limit it to non-profit organizations, and only from around our local community.  It's our way of giving back a little something.

Published on  November 9th, 2019